The Secret to Engaging a Child's Cooperation-Part 1

I am still in shock that in the 21st century and among the most intelligent beings on the planet the question to "Spank or Not Spank" is still a debate. Ugh!
Don't get me wrong, I understand why we all think we "may" and maybe even "should" hit our children. Yep, sorry but it is "hitting". We've just reworded it to make us feel ok about it. I'm a product of the same angry, mean and hurtful society and I am embarassed about how angry a five year old can MAKE me. Oops, let me correct that "MAKE me" to "how angry I CHOOSE to let a five year old control my anger". That's right. It really is a choice. But no matter what you believe, let me just ask you one question.
What would you feel like if you got hit for not listening, for speaking your opinion or not wanting to eat your peas?
Of course, I'm trying to make a point, but could there be a better way than fear, control and a smack? We must remember, a child is a human being. If we use hitting as a discipline tool we are teaching them to do the strike back with hurtful acts and to control others.
So, since this blog is all about resources to help grow a society that can create a win-win society, here's part of a presentation, "Ways to Communicate to Engage a Child's Cooperation" that will get us started on understanding the "why" a safe and nurturing environment will help us out of this black and ugly hole. The video is only 5 minutes long and easy to follow!
Daggers or blessings...I welcome your comments!
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